as you can see by Monday morning after worrying the past week if i had/had not been charged customs, early morning stat update said "charges to be paid" I look on various websites, many explaining that you would have to wait for a card to come through the mail stating how much you had to pay. BUT never WHEN? How long would I wait for the letter?
Alot of them also stated it was after it had reached the "National Hub" was when they would receive the letter, so all day (at work) i was waiting for the update to see if my parcel was being transported to "National Hub" on the same day.
Thankfully good (ehh) news!!
Use the converted GB parcel number as a reference :D

So instead of waiting for that dang letter, I looked up their customer helpline and rung them up, the details they'd need to give you the information you need (Customs ref number) is as follows GB tracking number, Name and shipping address.

Once you have the reference number go back the parcelforce homepage (cause lets face it who wants to pay on phone aswell as be paying to be on the phone with them). Click the "receiving a parcel" and "click pay customs charge".

Enter the reference number and prepare to be shocked, an fyi my charge was £28 including the £8 handling fee (wtf Royal Mail you had my parcel for and hour and you think you've "handled it")
Once you've put in your reference number, you'll be taken to a page where you input your card details to pay by card, and a drop down menu on when you would like your parcel delivered (I picked the very next day). Let me just clarify it tells you what day but not WHEN, i mean dude -_-''
Afterwards your personal card authorized page and lastly a page which says your payment has been received when it would be delivered and whether you would like an email confirming these.
So~ shall be looking forward to my huge taobao parcel tomorrow, Bye~